Peer to peer lending is often considered riskier than other forms of investment. Looking at peer to peer lending sites like Lending Club, they state the risk of investment is at your own risk and if you are not able to loss your money don't invest. This is stated on their prospectus with the SEC and this represents the worse case scenario for investors. This admission is often enough to scare the majority of people away. So why is peer to peer lending so risky and if it so risky why are people still lending?
The overall risk is based in the nature of the loan issued. It is unsecured. Meaning, it has no real collateral backing the loan as in an auto loan or mortgage. There is only a promise to pay the loan by the borrower. This is not the only type unsecured loan today. Every credit card and store credit is an unsecured loan. These loans or lines of credit carry a high rate of interest due to the fact they are unsecured. The same is in true of peer to peer lending.
How is peer to peer lending different than a credit card? There time period to pay off the loan or maturity. Loans are usually over a three year period. The borrower pays installments and not minimums. The goal is to completely pay off the loan by the term.
So how risky are the loans? They often carry the same risk that credit cards and other types of unsecured debt. The risk is always present of non payment or late payment, but many steps are taken by lending institutions to reduce this risk.
First, the qualifications for borrowers are clearly stated and include a credit check. The institution reviews the credit history, utilization, credit score and several other factors as well as employment to assign the borrower's loan a grade. If a person does not meet loan standards they are rejected. These are often posted for investors to review. This provides reassurance that the institution is doing its job. Second, the pertinent information from the background and credit check is posted with the loan request. Lenders are allowed to review this information and make their own decision as to whether to invest or not. Third, lenders are not required to invest in just one loan. Lenders can take their capital and spread it out among several loans. This has the effect of diversification and helps to further reduce risk to the lender.
So why are people investing in peer to peer loans? The returns are high. A site like lending club list a return in the range of 6% to 19% depending on the loan funded. This is an extremely high rate of return and is far better than other investments. Secondly, the default rate is low. Lending club is currently listing defaults of 120 plus around 2%.
The risk is always present, but the right steps need to be taken to avoid them. Find a reputable site for peer to peer lending. They make sure the proper background checks are performed and reject the borrowers that are too high of a risk. A lender should diversify their holdings of loans to further reduce their exposure to risk. For most lenders, the returns out weigh the risk and make it a feasible investment.